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Meet Us!

Meet Us:

The Secret Ingredient was initially intended to be “my” file to organize recipes. It was my husband, Sathya, who took it to a whole next level of sharing them with everyone by designing and creating this website.

I love to cook and I’m obsessed with it. I think about it, talk a lot about it. However, that doesn’t mean you will find only recipes here that involve arcane, laborious processes or require you to start making something previous day before you plan to serve it. I swear you will find recipes, techniques and ideas that are easy, quick and great for beginners too.

What you will find here: I will be writing about what is cooking in my kitchen, what I am learning as well spice it up with our pictures. You can find simple recipes; replicate restaurant style cooking, taste of many vegetarian cuisines around the world, lots of baking, my attempts and tips!

Check out the Recipe index for the recipes under many categories. There is a search box as well an option to get to a recipe by choosing the name of the ingredient. Do leave a comment or email us at if you have a suggestion.

The wall that holds the picture neat: Sathya, the photographer, stylist and a person who enjoys every spoon of his meal! He has been the one who has inspired me to cook a lot of International Cuisines.

More about us: A couple in their mid-twenties, with a lot of ambitions and dreams. Right now we live in US. We are originally from Chennai, India but Sathya has also lived in Madurai, Coimbatore and Mumbai for a long time. I have lived in Trichy, Mumbai and Muscat (Oman). Both of us love travelling and have extensively travelled in India as well US and all of these places have influenced the way we think about food.

Gardening and Home Decor are few of other things that we love to do!

List of Blogs I follow can be seen in my blog roll

Apart from My parents, people from cooking and blogging world who have inspired me: Meenakshi Ammal, Sanjeev Kapoor, Tarla Dalal, Curtis Stone, Laura Vitale (Laura in the Kitchen), Hetal and Anuja (show me the curry), Nagalakshmi (Edible garden).

All photos on this site are taken by Sathya or me, unless otherwise specified. All the content is protected by creative commons license. If you like something in our site and ready to give us credits, request us, we will be happy to share.

I hope you enjoy visiting our website as much as I enjoy cooking.

35 Responses to Meet Us!

  1. The website is simply mass!!That filter on the sides idea is just wonderful. All the best SnehaSathya. I will show my mom this site for sure!!

  2. Many Congratulations!

  3. Many congratulations in reaching your new milestone, Sneha Sathya, and all the very best for the future,


  4. Preethi Viswanathan

    Your website is awesome Sneha!!! Satya and Sneha keep up ur good work!! God bless!!!

  5. Way to go, Sneha! 😀 This is so awesome.
    Sathya, unakkum konjam credit, paravaille 😉

    much love,

  6. Congratulations !!!!

  7. Amazing…the website design is too good… Many congrats and keep rocking!!!

  8. Great Job!!!

  9. Yay !! It’s finally here. Love it Sneha akka and Sathya anna 😀

  10. Fantastic effort .. when you do things passionately, it shows up like this. One important thing as you keep growing this – keep asking “why am I doing this ?”. This will enable the purpose to evolve.

    Since you have done this well, one suggestion, why not you have an index by occasion – ex. Pongal, Deepavali, Ekadasi, Varsha Perappu, Chathurthi etc.

    This is a good milestone you guys need to celebrate this :)

  11. Awesome! Extremely happy and proud of you guys. The website looks as good as your recipes … Great!
    All the best.

  12. hey sneha your recipes are awesome, sathya thanx for this website,v 2 get to know some interesting recipes.sneha publish a book too na, rock the world of cooking………

  13. Just showed it to my mom, she loved it :)

  14. Thank you for the kind mention of my name among so many popular cooks. Just chanced upon your site today. Loved it! Happy Pongal :)

    • Hi Nags, happy Pongal :) You made my day! Surprised me because I wanted to write to you for such a long time but was kind of hesitant. Feels like you read my mind and replied to me before I wrote to you..

      You and your photographs inspire us a lot and also a big fan of your writing.. Nice to get in touch as well know you liked the site!

  15. Hi sneha….i came to know u thru sai prasanth and malni…ur recipes are simply superb…not many blogs attract people to cook…urs is yummy visually and to cook….I feel its easily understandable and makes a lay man to try it…a small request from myside…why dont u upload soup varieties…am actually fond of soups…:)…people like me will be happy….thanks…

  16. Went thru ur recipes , googled for red bell pepper rice varieties and urs was very impressive …its becoz u keep things SIMPLE ….my mom used to say u can do all kind of gymnastics with the dishes u do , but remember the spice level and the salt makes the whole dish awesome …and iam a gr8 believer in that ….Wat ever magic we do , the final result is always abt the spice and the salt …and then ur rajma currry was very simple and awesome …iam so tired abt seeing many bloggers who just put lots and lots of ingredients in the recipes even if they can be made very yummy with the simplest way …Ofcourse i have tried mostly all the complicated popular dishes …but now its just that iam going for the simple yet different types of dishes on a normal week day schedule ..and iam glad that i found ur BLOG ..Keep going …! ! !! :) Best Wishes !!!

  17. Hi Sneha, just chanced upon your blog and must appreciate your good work. Keep it up. :) Appreciate you following my blog. Thank you. :)

  18. jayashree vijay

    visited your site for the first time and totally impressed.

  19. Dear Sneha,
    It was so nice meeting you on the way to Chennai from NYC! I have added the website we discussed.
    Your site looks awesome and I will consult it when I return! Have a wonderful visit with your family.
    Best wishes,

  20. Hi Sneha and Sathya
    Got to know about your site from Jayanthi and Gayatri
    Checked it out today
    very good. Many congratulations. Keep up the good work

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