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Grilled Sandwich

Its Project Breakfast every night-what to make next morning! I am sure many would be sailing in the same boat with me.. I am trying to figure out breakfast ideas made within few minutes or most preparation made the night before and be more of an assembling or hardly cooking just before the breakfast time. Unfortunately Idli, dosai, upma or pongal types are not in breakfast menu at our place. We prefer them for dinner.

The grilled sandwich is a homemade version of the cheese sandwich got in the streets and food courts of Mumbai! I mentioned Home made version so no extra-extra cheese, butter, chaat powder and god only knows when made chutney!

I tried the store-bought Bombay sandwich chutneys.. I don’t know whether it’s just for me and my husband, we taste a very strong preservative flavor in them. Honestly let me know whether you experience the same.

I have a grill sandwich maker but if you don’t have one, normal sandwich maker or toasting in a pan will work. Now the ingredients part,

You will need:

Bread, white/brown any will work fine

Butter, at room temperature (salted/unsalted)

1 Boiled potato (I generally boil the potato the night before)

10-12 strings of coriander leaves, finely chopped.

1 Small White onion, cut in rounds or length wise. ( I prefer white onions cause they don’t have a strong flavor like the red onions)

Mozzarella cheese, shredded (Maximum 1/2 tbsp per sandwich. Mainly for binding when grilled and of course the taste)

Capsicum, Cut into tiny pieces

Salt & Pepper- To taste


Take a slice of bread and apply butter (generously or little!)

Place the sliced boiled potato and sprinkle a pinch of salt, crushed pepper. Add finely chopped coriander (yeah a must, gives a great taste) I finely chop the coriander because i have a tendency to pull out the coriander leaves if they are a bit big, i personally do not like to chew on them.

Arrange the onions and add the grated cheese. (I used finely shredded cheese.) It is easy to arrange the finely shredded one!

Add the capsicum and some more crushed pepper, apply butter on another slice of bread and place it on top.

I do not prefer to add tomato or cucumber to this sandwich as they tend to make the sandwich soggy.

Grill the sandwich. Optional to add more butter to outer sides before grilling.

Serve with a fruit of your choice and a hot beverage for a complete breakfast. I prefer to serve fruits with a lot of water content like watermelon, sweet melon etc on summer mornings.

Happy cooking

One Response to Grilled Sandwich

  1. Thinking of road side grilled sandwich makes my mouth water… I am going to try this….

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