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Cheesecake (NY Style)

Cheesecake! I bet You’ll not think of getting one from store after you bake one on your own. I made a few changes from the original recipe that I scribbled in a sticky note and stuck to my recipe book. I wish I remember from where I got this recipe, may be a TV show or from a magazine. Anyway here goes my version!

“Please read the instructions fully including the tips before starting to make one to avoid dense or cracked cake!”


Single Serving makes 8

For the base:

8 Graham crackers, crushed. (If you need a thicker base, just a few more crackers)

1 tbsp butter, melted

The cake part:

2 (8  Ounce) packages of cream cheese, I used Philadelphia brand. “At room temperature”- Important!

3/4 cup of sugar

1/4 cup and 2 tbsp milk

2 eggs

1/2 cup of sour cream

1 and half tsp of vanilla extract

2 tbsp all-purpose flour


First Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)

The spring form pan is going to be your best friend through out the process. Cover the bottom (outside) of the pan with foil to avoid any water to get into it while the water bath process takes place. Grease the pan (ranging from 6-9 inches diameter)

Crushing the Crackers: I used a mini food processor, if you don’t have one an easy way to crush them is to put them in a thick Zip-lock bag and using a rolling-pin smash it to crumbs

In a medium bowl: mix the crushed graham cracker with melted butter.

Transfer the butter-cracker mixture to the pan, spread and press to form an even layer.

Bake the crust for 8-10 minutes for them to form a base.

In a large bowl: Add the soft cream cheese and gently mix with sugar until smooth. Do not over beat but assure there are not lumps. If you are going to beat it, a lot of air is going to be filled in which will result in a cracked cake!

In another bowl: (I used the same bowl in which I mixed the butter and crackers, Who likes to wash a lot of dishes!) Blend the milk and one egg at a time, mix in sour cream, vanilla and flour (run flour through a sieve) until smooth.

Once the second bowl mixture is ready, add to the cream cheese and sugar, mixing just enough to incorporate.

Pour the filling into the prepared crust.

Water Bath Process: Place the pan in another pan which has a minimum of 1 inch height and fill it with water. This also is going to prevent the cake from cracking as the moisture from the cake will not be absorbed but the water below it will become steam.

Bake in oven for 1 hour. Turn the oven off and let cake cool in oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours; this also prevents cracking.

Chill in refrigerator for some hours. (preferable over night)

I first served the cake just after i took it out of the fridge, was a bit disappointed that the cake was a little dense, i left it out in the kitchen counter for an hour or so and the cake was chill as well creamy! Lesson learnt: Once taken out of fridge do not serve immediately! :)


I am a big fan of berries and whipped cream combination. This time, I used them. Go ahead and explore of your choice! Try some mangoes chunks and purée, any berries, chocolate ganache and chocolate flakes and why not a peanut butter ganache if you are a peanut fan.

May be I can bake once more and do a lot of different topping for some ideas (I am dying to bake many more versions and I just need a reason )

Tips Time:

Spring-form pans is recommended.

GREASING.. if you grease the sides of your pan well, it will not crack, since cracking often happens in the cooling process as the cake pulls away from the sides.

OVER BEATING or OVER COOKING.. are going ruin your cake.

Run the flour through a sieve to avoid any lumps. If you are going to add them directly, especially if it’s from the fridge, they are going to form lumps. To remove lumps, you are going to end up over beating, which is bad for the cake!

Try not pouring the water in the second pan and taking it to the oven. There are high chances for it to get spilled or any unfortunate things like water spilled into the cake pan etc. Place the pan with mixture onto the second pan, place it in the oven then pour water.

I have given instructions on every minute things just to avoid any disappointments, follow step by step to have a wonderful creamy cheesecake. You’ll love it, Trust me.

Happy Cooking :)

4 Responses to Cheesecake (NY Style)

  1. Great tips! I tried it!! It turned out good. I believe I need some more practice.:)

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