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Goat Cheese spread

Goat cheese spread is creamy rich spread packed with flavors of olives, sun-dried tomatoes and herbs like rosemary and basil. The ingredients are colorful and impressive, they combine well along with cheese to give a Mediterranean hint to the spread, this dish is no authentic Mediterranean cuisine but a sure hit for parties and potlucks. The spread is best when marinated for 6 hours before serving so also falls under the category of “great make ahead dish”. Sliced baguette or sliced and toasted Italian loaf are good pair along with the spread but also a satisfying spread for sandwiches, bagels and flat breads.

Cream cheese is a good substitute for the goat cheese if you don’t get goat cheese in your near by store.


Serves: 8 servings
Marinate time: Minimum 6 hours or Overnight in refrigerator.
Preparation time: 20 mins
Recipe adapted from

Ingredients you’ll need:


12 ounces goat cheese | cream cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes
1/3 cup Black olives
1/3 cup Green olives
2 tbsp Capers
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
1 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
3 cloves garlic


Slice goat cheese into one inch pieces and place in a single layer on a large platter. Using a butter knife, gently merge the slices like a base. Drain oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes using a strainer, as the oil is draining, chop black and green Olives, Capers, Rosemary and Basil. Also chop the drained sun-dried tomatoes.


Drizzle olive oil over the cheese base and evenly sprinkle the chopped  sun-dried tomatoes, black & green olives, basil and rosemary. Peel and cut garlic pods in two. Pierce the cut garlic cloves on toothpicks and insert into the cheese throughout the mixture.


Allow the mixture to marinate 6 hours, or overnight, in the refrigerator. Remove from refrigerator an hour before serving for the cheese to come to room temperature and remove the toothpicks with garlic pods before serving with sliced French bread.


Happy Cooking

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